I've spent the last 7 years obsessing over mastering the art of trading.

In the beginning it was completely out of self-interest. My biggest fear in life since I was 5 years old has always been living a life of mediocrity. Not living up to the potential I felt like I had. Letting myself down...

This is the same fear that led me to make the decision to drop out of college to pursue something on my own. The scale of what I wanted just wasn't offered there, and quite frankly, the thought of the road I was going down made me depressed.

So I cut the cord. I left school... and my journey began.

As I was trying to find my way, I kept looking at the market, and I kept seeing this endless pool of money, just waiting for someone to come pick it up.

I had to dive in. If I didn't, I don't think I would have ever been able to forgive myself.

The clock started on my 7 year process.

I learned endless lessons over those 7 years, including losing over $350,000 on my way to figuring it all out...

All money I made myself by the way... grinding... I do NOT come from money.

In fact, I have inherited exactly $0.

But I didn't quit. I couldn't quit. Quitting meant I was back at square one, and my perspective on trading had already been shifted far too much to throw it all away.

So I applied each lesson over time. I got 1% better with each application, until the percentage flipped positive, and I was finally on that ever so exclusive team of winning traders.

I quickly rendered those losses meaningless.

Yes, even the $350k.

It just didn't matter anymore.

In fact, what I had learned from those losses forced me to become so refined, that in hindsight, those lessons were worth 100x what I lost to learn them.

But time? Time is invaluable.

If you had to put a number on it... you wouldn't be able to.

Trillions. At an absolute minimum.

Any billionaire would spend all of their wealth to buy a few extra years if they could.

But not even they can.

I'm offering you a blueprint that took me 7 years to develop.

I'm offering you saved time.

And no... this is not a course.

This is a hands on program that will force you to confront the chains holding you back, and snap them off like toothpicks.

Everything from finding better stocks to trade, to setups on those stocks, to the secrets of emotional control and tricking your brain into unbreakable discipline.

We'll confront it all.

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The Market Mastery Program is a hands-on, accountability and progress breeding program like the trading world has never seen. (I mean it.)

I designed this program with one concept in mind.

If you are held to the same standard that a $1,000,000/year trader would be held to, the likelihood that you become one yourself absolutely skyrockets.

But I have news for you.

If you decide to invest in yourself, dive into the program, go hard for a day and a half and then quit...

...I promise you're going to lose.

If you think you're going to join the program, and I'm going to give you the "magic weight-loss pill" to "Drop 100 pounds in 3 Months Eating Pizza and Burgers!"

You're out of your mind.

Is this a joke to you?

There is no magic pill.

You want to be a $1,000,000/year+ trader?

You have to do $1,000,000/year trader things.

Don't you dare join and then give me a half-assed effort.

Go all in.

It's time to prove to yourself that you're worth it.



Working with me is unlike anything you've ever experienced.

Look... your family and friends love you... most of them want what's best for you... but let's be REAL... they don't REALLY care if you're a wildly successful day trader.

They probably don't understand it.

I mean, why would they? This profession is one of the least understood on the planet.

They aren't going to hold you to the standard you need to be held to.


I'm going to treat you the same way I would treat a $1,000,000/year trader.

Market Mastery is a 3-month program that starts with a 30-minute, 1-on-1 onboarding Google Meet video meeting.

On the onboarding call, I will give you the blueprint that took me 7 years to get right.

We'll get you set up on our custom built trade logging and trading data analysis software.

I will have 24/7 access to your trading statistics.

The same way I would if you were trading at a firm.

That trading log will become our lifeblood.

The force that drives all progress, including discipline and confidence.

Then, every week, you will report back to me on our weekly, 30-minute, small group Google Meet video meetings.

Our groups are never larger than 5 plus me.

I keep them very small on purpose.

Not only are you reporting back to me... you're reporting back to other serious traders with goals and aspirations as high... if not higher... than your own.

On these meetings we will spend time focused on each person.

Diving into your stats for the week, decoding what's working, what isn't, and where we need to focus our energy to really go BIG.

The most effective way to solve discipline problems, emotional control issues, and psychological barriers is not facing them head on.

The best way to fix all of those is to go straight to the source. The statistical hurdles standing in the way of massive profitability.

You see, in my 7 year journey... I actually did find the secret.

And no... it's not an indicator or some B.S. like that.

There is a single umbrella secret to becoming not only a $1,000,000/year trader.... but a $10,000,000/year trader.


I've learned that understanding your data drives everything.

Pay attention to what I'm about to say.

Once you have undeniable proof that something in your trading is working, confidence follows.

Discipline becomes simple, because you understand your numbers, and how they work out.

Lapses in emotional control?

They fade like they were never an issue.

One of my all-time favorite sayings is "Emotion. Always. Loses."

But emotion was never REALLY the problem.

Your problem is a lack of REAL confidence, because you have no idea if what you're doing is working... which only leaves you confused, not knowing where to focus your energy.

That's what we're here to help you face.

When you combine a deep understanding of your data with the unmatched confidence and unwavering discipline that quickly follows that, without missing a beat... it's lights out.

The market doesn't stand a chance.

At Roensch Capital we believe that success is the result of discipline, education, risk management and persistence. The content in any of Roensch Capital's Youtube videos, emails, or on Patreon, Discord, or this website is for entertainment purposes only and shall not be construed as tax, legal, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. This website, Patreon, Discord and Youtube videos are for entertainment and information purposes ONLY. IF stocks or companies are mentioned, Roensch Capital MAY have an ownership interest in them -- DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on Roensch Capital's videos, analysis, or alerts. If you need advice, please contact a qualified CPA, attorney, financial advisor, or the appropriate professional for the subject you would like help with. Under no circumstances will Roensch Capital be held liable for any loss that may come as a result of analysis, discussion, coaching and/or alerts.

Roensch Capital LLC 2800 E Enterprise Ave. STE 333 Appleton, WI 54913 United States (920) 288-2172 This is for information purposes only. Neither Roensch Capital LLC nor Nico Roensch is registered as a securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser.

Copyright © 2024 Roensch Capital | All Rights Reserved.